英文名称 | College EnglishID | ||||
课程编号 | 180050 | 课程类型 | 公共基础课 | ||
课程学分 | 2 | 课程学时 | 32 | ||
适用专业 | 非英语专业普通本科、3+2专升本 | ||||
先修课程 | 高中英语 | ||||
后修课程 | 跨文化交际英语口语教学理论与实践》、《中国文化英语说》选修 | ||||
开设学期 | 第4学期 | ||||
考核方式 | 形成性评价和课程考试相结合 | ||||
课程负责人 | 张晖 | 课程团队 | 徐柳明、刘延征、李万勇、马秀华、李新丽、陈霞、马叶彤、张克梅…. |
1) 分类指导、因材施教
外国语公共外语课程教学方案(2017人才培养方案 学校版) | |||||
课程名称 | 专业、层次、课型 | 开设学期 | 学分 | 课程号 | 说明 |
大学英语IA | 创新班2+X(2节读写+X网络自主) 普通文科2+2(2节读写+1节口语+1节听力) 普本理科3+1(3节读写+1节视听说) | 1 | 2.5 | 180047 | 3+2专升本修读大学英语IC-ID;大学日语、俄语单独编班。 |
大学英语IB | 2 | 3.5 | 180048 | ||
大学英语IC | 3 | 4 | 180049 | ||
大学英语ID | 4 | 2 | 180050 | 第三学期未通过大学英语四级考试的学生修读。 | |
专门用途英语 | 视专业而定 | 4 | 2 | 第三学期通过大学英语四级考试的学生修读。 | |
大学英语IIA | 艺体类3+1 (3节读写+1节视听说) | 1 | 2.5 | 180051 | |
大学英语IIB | 2 | 3.5 | 180052 | ||
大学英语IIC | 3 | 4 | 180053 | ||
大学英语IID | 4 | 2 | 180054 | ||
大学英语IIIA | 春季招生3+1 (3节读写+1节视听说) | 1 | 2.5 | 180055 | 普通专科修读大学英语IIIA-IIIC;中加班参照加方要求。 |
大学英语IIIB | 2 | 3.5 | 180056 | ||
大学英语IIIC | 3 | 4 | 180057 | ||
大学英语IIID | 4 | 2 | 180058 | ||
英语综合素质课 限定选修课 | 普通本科 | 5-8(任选) | 2 | 为保障英语学习四年不断线,普通本科生在大三-大四期间至少选修一门英语综合素质课。 |
2) 加强实践教学环节,突出大学英语课程的实践性
四、课程目标(College EnglishID)
2. 能力目标
3)阅读理解能力: 能够基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟110词,在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟130词,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。
4)书面表达能力: 能用常见的应用文体完成一般的写作任务,能描述个人经历、事件、观感、情感等,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出180词的短文,内容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。能在一般或应用写作中使用恰当的写作技能。
五、主要内容和要求(College EnglishID)
2、guided writing
本课程采取交际教学法和任务教学法结合的教学方式,以学生为中心,以教师为主导。将学生按6人一组划分学习小组,课前布置具体的预习任务,课堂进行检查和展示;课前导入部分以小组讨论和背景知识介绍为主,引入课文主题;教学重点为Section A,由教师主导进行语篇分析、重点词汇和长难句的学习;PassageB为次重点,主要进行相关文化知识学习和篇章理解;并根据本单元主题布置相应的课后作业,具体为句子翻译和写作。旨在通过各种方式提高学生的阅读、翻译和写作能力,培养学生的批判性思维,以实现课程的教学目标。
撰写:张晖 审核:陈霞
附件1.College EnglishID (读写)
Unit One
Section A Love and logic: The story of a fallacy
Section B Why do smart people do dumb things
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识逻辑和谬误;
3. 提高概括段落大意的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识逻辑和谬误,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,学会有效地辨别谬误。
一. Background information
The concept of Logic and Fallacy
二. Language focus
1. Key words
surpass, tactic, axe, drip, sarcasm, disclosure
2. Phrases and Expressions
make a pact, in exchange for, set a date for, due to, pour into, adjust to, familiar to/with,
give sb. the axe
3. Sentence structures
(1) Typical patterns
“‘The doctrine of logic,’ I said, ‘is a staple of clear thinking. …’” (Para. 7, Text)
X is a/the staple of Y; where X and Y are variables that vary from context to context.
(2) Typical patterns
“The time has come for the conversion of our relationship from academic to romantic”. (Para. 26, Text)
The time has come for the conversion of X from Y (a.) to Z (a.); where X, Y and Z are variables that vary from context to context.
三. Grammar points
1. 连词while 表示对比的用法
四. Text structure
五. Structured writing
How to develop a narrative essay
六. Reading skills
Identifying the topic sentence
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about the concept of Logic and Fallacy.
2. Complete after-text Exercises ( P10-16 ) and unit exercises in Comprehensive Exercises Book.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit Two
Section A The confusing pursuit of beauty
Section B Making the choice to be truly beautiful
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识美和对美的追求;
3. 提高概括段落大意的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识美和对美的追求,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,学会正确认识美和对美的追求。
一. Background information
The concept of people’s pursuit of beauty
二. Language focus
1. Key words
arrogant, affix, groom, deficient, thigh, inborn, violet, outfit, warfare, bronze, clay, vie, plaster, cosmetic, obsession, perfume
2. Phrases and Expressions
excuse onself, come up with, stick to sth, affix value to sth, in hopes of ,reach out of
3. Sentence structures
(1) Typical patterns
“No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer.” (Para. 2, Text)
No amount of X will help/make Y do Z; where X, Y and Z are variables that vary from context to context, whereas “do” stands for any verb available in the given context
(2) Typical patterns
“By participating in this system of extreme conformity, women are actually opening themselves up to the scrutiny of other women.” (Para. 10, Text)
By doing X, Y is actually opening itself up to Z; where X, Y, and Z are variables that vary from context to context, whereas “doing” stands for any gerund available in the given context.
三. Grammar points
1. come up with, stick to sth的用法
四. Text structure
五. Structured writing
Write a comparison / contrast essay
六. Reading skills
Identifying the topic sentence
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about the concept of beauty.
2. Complete after-text Exercises ( P38-45) and unit exercises in Comprehensive Exercises Book.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit Three
Section A Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world
Section B Building the dream of Starbucks
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识企业家和成功;
3. 提高概括段落大意的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识企业家和成功之路,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,学会如何思考未来及何为成功。
一. Background information
The concept of entrepreneur
二. Language focus
1. Key words
reshuffle, disperse, exquisite, brainchild, deduce, clan, juvenile, invalid, terrain navigation, revive, charter.
2. Phrases and Expressions
touch down, held sb/sth in high regard, pich on sb, be onto sth, take a stab at, boil down to sth.
3. Sentence structures
(1) Typical patterns
“This is the culmination of a dream of Frederick W. Smith, the founder, president, chief executive officer, and chairman of the board of the FedEx Corp. -known originally as Federal Express -the largest and most successful overnight delivery service in the world.” (Para. 1, Text)
X is the culmination of Y; where X and Y are variables that vary from context to context.
(2) Typical patterns
“It was not uncommon for FedEx drivers to pay for gasoline for their vans out of their own pockets.” (Para. 9, Text)
It is not uncommon for X to do / be Y; where X and Y are variables that vary from context to context, while “do / be” stands for any verb available in the given context.
三. Grammar points
1. 连词although的用法
四. Text structure
五. Structured writing
a narrative with biographic
六. Reading skills
Recognizing signal words of time.
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about the concept of entrepreneur.
2. Complete after-text Exercises ( P70-77 ) and unit exercises in Comprehensive Exercises Book.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit Four
Section A Achieving sustainable environmentalism
Section B What nature is telling you
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识环保和针对环保的不同观点;
3. 提高批判性看待问题的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识环保和针对环保的不同观点,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,学会批判性看待问题。
一. Background information
The concept of environmental issues
二. Language focus
1. Key words
environmental,environmentalism, constituent, segregate, consolidate, differentiate, definitive, deplete, reversible, chord, regime, call upon/on, be incompatible with,
2. Phrases and Expressions
either or, as… as the next person/man, choose sth. over sth. else, frame/ state of mind.
3. Sentence structures
(1) Typical patterns
“Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or disapproval of plastic surgery.” (Para. 1, Text)
X is as required Y as is Z; where X, Y and Z are variables that vary from context to context.
(2) Typical patterns
“The important distinction is between those environmental goods that are fundamental and those that are not.” (Para. 11, Text)
The important / critical distinction is between X and Y; where X and Y are variables that vary from context to context.
三. Grammar points
1. either or, as… as the next person/man的用法
四. Text structure
五. Structured writing
how to write an argumentative essay
六. Reading skills
reading between the lines
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about the concept of environmental issues.
2. Complete after-text Exercises ( P102-109 ) and unit exercises in Comprehensive Exercises Book.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit Five Why culture counts
Section A Speaking Chinese inAmerica
Section B Culture makes the business world go round
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识文化冲击(culture shock);
3. 提高使用上下文线索寻找词义的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识文化冲击,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,增强中美文化差异的意识。
一. Background information
Culture shock and Chinese Americans
二. Language focus
1. Key words
emigrantt, gulf, intolerance, etiquette, taboo, breach, hedge, tribe, exterior, reciprocal, mutter, consecutive, composite, fabricate, reciprocal, nominal, denote, malicious, temporal, spectator
2. Phrases and Expressions
starve (sb./oneself) to death, be attached to, on the side, be suspicious of, get / come to the point , wander around , hedge … in with / by, be representative of, if anything
3. Sentence structures
(1) Typical patterns for expressing one’s opinions implicitly—why + v. / n. / prep. phrase
Why bother with such nominal courtesy?
(2) Typical patterns for partially agreeing with sth.—At this junction, I do agree in part with sth.
At this junction, I do agree in part with The New York Times Magazine article.
三. Grammar points
1. 修辞格:明喻(simile)
2. 方式状语从句as if的用法
四. Text structure
Introduction (Narration)—Body (Argumentation)—Conclusion(Summary)
五. Structured writing
A part-narrative and part-persuasive essay with direct dialog
六. Reading skills
Finding out word meanings with contextual clues
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about the significance of culture shock and how to avoid culture shock.
2. Complete after-text Exercises ( P132-140 ) and unit exercises in Comprehensive Exercises Book 4.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit Six Gender Equality
Section A The weight men carry
Section B What does feminism really mean?
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识男女平等(gender equality);
3. 提高在阅读中找寻支持性细节的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识男女平等,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,能够表达关于男女平等和女权主义的观点。
一. Background information
gender equality and feminism
二. Language focus
1. Key words
crow, grievance, martyr, shaft, wrench, errand, rebellion, emancipate, mediator, lubricate, twinkle, outpost, traverse, emancipate, alien, optic, symmetrical, weld, extract, wedge, cater, deductive
2. Phrases and Expressions
off the grid, scrape by, extract sth. from sth., run errands, cater to sb./sth., come through,
make a racket, emancipate sb. from sth., have a say on / over sth., be destined to
3. Sentence structures
(1) Typical patterns for expressing one’s purpose
Sb. do sth. for sth. else. This is what sb. is for — sb. is sth. like …
(2) Typical patterns for expressing one’s reflection
No doubt, had sb. taken a more adj. look/view at sth. sb. would have done sth. else.
三. Grammar points
1. no more … than … “不能…,就像不能…一样”, 用来表达两件事情都无法做或都不具有某一特征。
2. parallel structure
四. Text structure
五. Structured writing
Support an argument with specific details
六. Reading skills
reading for supporting details
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about the various inssues involved in gender equality and inequality and potential measures to reduce gender discrimination
2. Complete after-text Exercises ( P166-172 ) and unit exercises in Comprehensive Exercises Book 4.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit Seven Energy and food crises
Section A The coming energy crisis
Section B A worldwide food crisis
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识世界能源危机的表现及其应对策略;
3. 提高概括段落大意的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识世界能源危机的表现及其应对策略,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,学会有效地利用时间。
一. Background information
solutions to energy crisis
Union of Concerned Scientists
二. Language focus
1. Key words
Uranium, fossil, particulates, extinct, indefinite, wisp, hitherto,fusion, glitter, intricate, apparatus, turbine, axis, outflow, ventilate,diffuse, dioxide, automation, hinge, supersonic, equator, recur, disclose,foretell,intrigue,garment,intermittent,hoard, wholesale,pamphlet,dodge, legislator,foresight, subsidy
2. Phrases and Expressions
Factor sth. In, be profected to do sth., Fill up, clear up, be derived from, pose a risk to sth., hinge on sth., be uon sb.,calm down, level off, be starved of sth., run out of sth.,keep/hold sth.at bay, resue sth./sb. From sth./sb., get a recipe for sth., point to, on a collision course
3. Sentence structures
(1)There is a dark side to (doing) sth. …
(2) Sth./sb., once/consistently hailed/applaused as “…”, has been/turned out …
(3)… has left us with no choice but to do …
三. Grammar points
1. which引导的非限制性定语从句的用法
2. Although引导的让步状语从句的用法
四. Text structure
五. Structured writing
Write a cause-and-effect essay
六. Reading skills
Identifying the author’s purpose
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Think about solutions to enengy crisis.
2. Complete after-text Exercises and unit exercises inComprehensive Exercises Book 4.
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
Unit 8 Passion guides life choices
Section A A meaningful life
Section B A turning point of life
1. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组用法;
2. 正确认识人生的意义;
3. 提高概括段落大意的能力。
1. 了解和本单元话题有关的背景知识;
2. 正确认识人生的意义,积极参加该话题的课堂讨论;
3. 了解并熟练运用本单元出现的重点单词和词组的用法;
4. 了解和学会灵活运用本单元写作策略及阅读技巧;
5. 通过学习,学会有效地利用时间。
一. Background information
factors that are essential for a meaningful life?
二. Language focus
1. Key words
Judicious,boycott,malpractice,leaflet,sue,terminate,ministerial,mastermind,crusader,questionnaire,chronicle,expectancy,swamp,thesis,indignant,activate,patron,deport,adherence,tribute,defendant, denounce,vibrate,agitation,trumpet
2. Phrases and Expressions
put out, alert sb. to sth., lay siege to sth. / sb, follow suit, stand / stay / remain on the sidelines, get revenge (on sb.) for sth., appeal to sb. to do sth.,in adherence to, tack sth. Up, marvel at/over, feel strongly about sth.
3. Sentence structures
(1) From decades / years / months spent doing sth, sb. became good / efficient / skilled / skillful / adept at …
(2) When sb. began to do sth., sb. never thought …, but …
三. Grammar points
1. 现在分词用作状语的用法
2. 强调句的用法
四. Text structure
Introduction—main body—conclusion
五. Structured writing
write a personal narrative with facts and opinions
六. Reading skills
Understanding figurative language
七. Reflections and learning tasks
1. Do you agree with the author that Henry Spira’s life is meaningful? Why or why not?
2. Complete after-text Exercises
3. Conduct a series of online learning tasks.
附件2.College EnglishID (视听说)
Unit One How we behave is who we are
一. Topic
Different views about social issues.
二. Words and Expressions
Poverty, homelessness, famine, debt, pollution, famine, drug abuse, obesity, lack of drinking water, pollution, famine, lack of drinking water, domestic violence, divorce
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—identifying supporting details in listening
2. Listening practice
(1) Listen to Part 1 of the interview and answer the questions
(2) Read the T-chart. Then listen to Part 2 of the interview. Take notes in the T-chart on the specific points the speakers mention about being a lark or an owl.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills----supporing a viewpoint in speaking.
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for supporting a viewpoint in speaking.
(2) Group discussion-learning how to conduct a happiness survey.
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—Persuasive speeches-make an impromptu speech.
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute impromptu speech.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Two Getting older, getting wiser?
一. Topic
Different views about future hopes and plans.
二. Words and Expressions
Infant, newborn, young adult, teenager, the middle aged, senior citizen, toddler,
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—how to organize notes in listening
2. Listening practice
(1) Listen to the letter and underline the correct alternative.
(2) listen to part 1 and complete the notes, listen to part 2 and answer the questions.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills--Asking for clarification
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for asking for clarification.
(2) Group discussion-Discussi ng life at different ages
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—Persuasive speeches-Methods of persuasion
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute speech persuading your audience not to stay up late at night.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Three Discovering your niche holiday
一. Topic
Different views about leisure time.
二. Words and Expressions
Extra-curricular, supplement, talent, creativity, benefit, niche holiday, observe, historic route, if I had only one day left to live, I would…, the way it works is that…, this is done as follows…, the first step is to…, millionaire, contestant…
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—identifying the meaning of a new word or term in listening
2. Listening practice
(1) number the following examples of “niche holidays” in the order you hear them, and find out what a “niche holiday” refers to.
(2) listen to the program and check the true statements.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills----describing procedures
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for descrbing procedures..
(2) Group discussion-talking about leisure activities and their meaningfulness
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—persuasive speeches-organizational pattern(II): Motivated sequence
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute speech organized in the motivated sequence.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Four Solving problem&seeking happiness
一. Topic
Different views about social issues.
二. Words and Expressions
Poverty, homelessness, famine, debt, pollution, drug abuse, obesity, lack of drinking water, divorce, domestic violence, result in, nurture, brighten, contentment, stable, microchip, symptom, speed camera, number plate recognition...
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—identifying supporting details in listening
2. Listening practice
(1) Listen and match each speaker to the type(s) of surveillance technology he/she is talking about.
(2) listen and complete the table.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills----supporting a viewpoint in speaking
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for supporting a viewpoint in speaking.
(2) Group discussion-learn how to conduct a happiness survey
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—Persuasive speeches-make an impromptu speech
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute impromptu speech
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Five Art expands horizons
一. Topic
Different views about arts that you enjoy.
二. Words and Expressions
Sculpting, photographing, combination of imagination and reality, intimate exhibition, intellect,
Intense, in favor of, I’d rather not choose, get your vote, in favor of, beneficial, eye-catching, stimulating,
Electrifying, gengre, plot summary, recommendation…
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—listening for favor and disfavor
2. Listening practice
(1) note down what project each person favors and disfavors.
(2) listen to the discussion again and fill in the blanks.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills----giving a tour of a place.
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for giving a tour of a place.
(2) Group discussion-talking about movies you’ve seen.
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—Persuasive speech-giving a formal toast speech
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute toast speech.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Six Mass media: 24 / 7 coverage
一. Topic
Different views about different forms of news media.
二. Words and Expressions
Guardian, headlines, discriminate, outlets, inspire, I heard this story about…, do you know what happened next?,what was weird/ strange/ interesting was…,after that, the amazing thing is…, such an amazing…, there is no way…
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—learning how to follow a narrative in listening
2. Listening practice
(1) Listen to the news story. Then number the things in order.
(2) listen to the news story again and fill in the blanks.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills----learning how to add emphasis in speaking.
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for learning how to add emphasis in speaking.
(2) Group discussion-talking about TV programs you like
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—giving an after-dinner speech
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute after-dinner speech.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Seven Trouble in modern times
一. Topic
Different views about social problems.
二. Words and Expressions
Pickpocketing, kidnapping, hacking, stalking, tax evasion, vandalism, identity theft, counterfeiting, mugging, arson, shoplifting, bribery, tinned food, torch, first-aid kit, survival manual, curious.
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—using information questions to understand a story.
2. Listening practice
(1) listen to the two conversations and take notes.
(2) work in pairs and discuss the questions.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills---reporting an incident.
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for reporting an incident.
(2) Group discussion-people deciding on the items.
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—graduation speeches.
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute graduation speeches.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Unit Eight Everybody has a story to tell
一. Topic
Different views about reading experiences.
二. Words and Expressions
Wonder, perspective, fictional, monstrous, storytelling, egalitarian, democratic, play off, take life under control, dissatisfaction, unpredictable, cherish, I have a special liking for…, I’m hooked on..., what appeals to me about …is …
三. Focus for listening
1. Listening skills—understanding idioms and phrases in listening.
2. Listening practice
(1) listen to the interview and answer the questions.
(2) listen to the interview again and fill in the blanks.
四. Focus for speaking
1. speaking skills---express likes or dislikes
2. Speaking practice
(1) Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for expressing likes or dislikes.
(2) Group discussion-telling a personal experience to prove or disprove a saying.
Get ideas---Discuss and organize ideas---Present ideas
3. Public speaking
1. Public speaking skills—give a farewell speech
2. Public Speaking practice
You are going to make a five-minute farewell speeches.
五. Self-study tasks
1. Language sense enhancement tasks.
2. Supplementary listening tasks.
Benson, P. (2001). Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning. London: Longman.
Cotterall, S. (1995). Readiness for autonomy: Investigating learner beliefs. System 23(2), 195-205.
Harmer, J. ( 2000). How to Teach English. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. J. B. Heaton. (2000). Writing
English Language Tests. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Michael H. Long & Jack C. Richards. (1987) Methodology in TESOL:A Book of Readings.
Heinle & Heinle: Thomson Learning. 18.Nunan, D. (1995). Closing the gap between learning and instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 29(1), 133-58.
Richards, J.C. & 19.Lockhart, C. (1996). Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching. (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Xu, J. F. (2006). The theory and practice of modern foreign language teaching. Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
大学英语课程教学要求(试行) (2004),教育部高教司。
高吉利. (2005b). 国内学习者自主研究述评. 外语界,(6),57-62.
高吉利. (2005a). 国内外语自主学习研究状况分析综述. 外语教学, (1), 63-66.
高吉利. (2006). 国内“学习者自主性”研究的回顾与展望. 国外外语教学, (2), 56-61.
何晓东. (2004). 国内自主学习中的若干问题. 外语界, (4), 12-16.
华维芬. (2001). 自主学习中心—一种新型的语言学习环境. 外语界, (5), 43-48.
庞维国. (2003). 自主学习---学与教的原理与策略. 上海: 华东师范大学出版社.
王守仁. ( 2007). 大学英语课程教学要求. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社.
文秋芳. (1999). 英语口语测试与教学.上海: 上海外语教育出版社.
大学英语教学指南(教育部2017最新版) ,教育部高教司。